
Published by Railfuture

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Railwatch 076 - July 1998


By Peter G Davies

Thank you James Fifty members of the Yorkshire branch attended the annual general meeting and luncheon at the Queens Hotel, Leeds, on 21 March. A presentation of a framed photograph of a steam train crossing Ribblehead Viaduct was made to our retiring chairman, James Towler, after over 10 years as chairman. Happily, James will remain as branch president and a national vice president. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking James for his very hard work in the interests of rail users over many years. I have now taken over the duties of chairman. It will be a very hard act to follow.

Communications There would appear to be a lack of contact between the various railway companies following a recent experience on a return journey by Great Northern and Eastern Railway from Newcastle to York. Two of my colleagues were returning to Selby, and the senior conductor was requested to advise the station staff at York that they wished to make the connection. The response was that the senior conductor could do nothing as it was a different railway company. This matter is currently being dealt with as a complaint to GNER and the Rail Regulator.

Return fares A large discrepancy exists in the return rail fares between Leeds and Glasgow. An enquiry for the return fare quoted £52 via Newcastle and Edinburgh using a standard Saver Ticket. The return fare via Settle and Carlisle is £34 and is in the fare manual, but it is not on the computer so passengers are not told of the much cheaper fare. We will be following this up.

Northern SpiritRegional Railways North East which is owned by MTL relaunched itself as Northern Spirit in May with new liveries and, according to managing director Paul Davison, a "new culture". It is, however, disappointing that the 16 new electric trains for the Airedale and Wharfedale lines will not be built in Britain. Delivery is expected in December 2000.

Punctuality For the first quarter of this year punctuality has been poor, and overcrowding has been a problem on most services operated by Regional Railways North East. We are looking for more innovative ideas and a general improvement in services.

Diary date The next branch meeting is at 14.00 on Saturday, l9 September, at New North Road Baptist Church, Huddersfield (10-minute walk from Huddersfield Station).

Note: contact details (postal and email addresses, along with telephone numbers) in old editions of Railwatch out of date. Click CONTACT US for latest contact details.

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