
Railwatch is published by Railfuture

Railwatch 182 (5.9MB)
December 2024
Port boost for rail freight

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View [further reading, updates and clarifications] (incl. links) to complement some of the articles in this issue.

Railfuture Honorary President Christian Wolmar has a fortnightly podcast 'Calling All Stations', produced by Cogitamus Ltd. You can listen to it here.

View back issues of Railwatch

Click here for newsletters produced by the Railway Invigoration Society from 1964-1975

Railwatch is the quarterly magazine of Railfuture, which campaigns for more investment and a greater use of Britain's railways

Members and supporters receive it free. Non-members can subscribe to Railwatch by clicking

Other Railfuture publications include and

Railwatch is edited by Ray King, 4 Christchurch Square, London E9 7HU. Tel: 020 8985 8548. editor@railwatch.org.uk

Railfuture’s latest book


An A-Z Guide of Station and Line Reopenings

Britain's Growing Railway tells the success story of railways in Britain. It shows how 400 stations have been opened (or reopened) since 1960, along with 600 miles of new track

The two stars of the Britain's Growing Railway are the new Borders Railway from Edinburgh to Tweedbank, and Crossrail (Elizabeth line) in London

The book includes passenger usage figures from the Office of Rail and Road for each of the reopened stations

This 2017 edition of Britain’s Growing Railway celebrates the success of many of Railfuture’s campaigns and points the way to the future

The 192-page A5 size perfect-bound book has 64 more pages but is the same price as the 2010 edition

Britain's Growing Railway is an essential tool for rail campaigners, giving construction costs, funders, and station specifications, with examples of stations and lines where patronage has far exceeded expectations

The price of this book has been reduced to just £5.00 including postage and packing

You can buy Britain's Growing Railway direct from Railfuture

Buy online

Rail users are encouraged to join Railfuture to help us campaign for a bigger and better railway - membership for individuals is just £20 per year

Railfuture is an independent, voluntary group representing rail users in Britain with 20,000 affiliated and individual members. It is not funded by train companies, political parties or trade unions, and all members have an equal say.

Railfuture campaigns for cheap and convenient rail services for everyone; better links for buses, bikes and pedestrians; policies to get more heavy lorries on to rail; new lines, stations and freight terminals. In short, a better rail service and a bigger rail system for both passengers and freight.

Railfuture is pro-rail but not anti-road or anti-air. However, we campaign for a switch from road and air to rail. We do not interfere in the running of the railway - we campaign for the quality and range of services provided, not how they are delivered. We are the only champion of all rail users.

Railfuture is the campaigning name of Railfuture Ltd.

A not-for-profit Company Limited by Guarantee.

Registered in England and Wales No. 05011634.

Registered Office: Edinburgh House, 1-5 Bellevue Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 7NP (for legal correspondence only).

All other correspondence to 3 Chandos Court, Martlesham, Suffolk IP12 4SU

© Copyright Railfuture Ltd 2025.

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