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SubscribeTimid talk Railtrack published its Scottish Network Management Statement in the spring, which contains many welcome small scale improvements and which we look forward to seeing put into place. However, with the exception of the West Coast main line, there are no big changes planned to the rail infrastructure of the sort that will make a dramatic difference to passengers or freight customers. If the railways were roads then Railtrack would be patching them up and adding the odd lane. There are no rail equivalents to the 10-lane motorways planned in Glasgow.
From our discussions with Railtrack it seems that there is no prospect of any big improvements without assembling a large lobby and funding package. This is in marked contrast to the well-oiled road building machine in the Scottish Office that is waiting to unleash a further round of roads on Scotland. So much for level playing fields.
Joining the network Dalgety Bay station opened to the public on 28 March, following an enjoyable ceremony the day before. It is interesting to note that the Minister came to open the £1.5 million station having just come from opening an £8.4 million road "improvement" a few miles away. It remains to be seen which is the best value for money. Fife Council have produced an excellent leaflet about the station, listing the easy bus interchange and have done a generally excellent job with cyclist and pedestrian access. The next station to open in Scotland will be Drumfrochar on the Wemyss Bay line, which should be open when you read this.
Note: contact details (postal and email addresses, along with telephone numbers) in old editions of Railwatch out of date. Click CONTACT US for latest contact details.
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