
Published by Railfuture

Railwatch is the quarterly magazine of Railfuture, which is free to members.

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Railwatch issue 180 (July 2024) links

Click on the image below to view Railwatch issue 180 in PDF format (1.9MB).

This page shows updates to Railwatch issue 180 (which was uploaded on 17.08.2024) and relevant links to obtain more information about certain articles.

This issue was published just before the General Election on 5 July 2024, which saw the Conservative government of 14 years replaced by a Labour government that had pledged to make changes to the railway, albeit without much detail, as mentioned in this issue.

  • P.18 'Severnside' — Since this article was written, Langport Transport Group has been awarded a Railfuture Fighting Fund grant

  • P.20 'Could Tories embrace rail renationalisation?' — Re: "Earlier this year [3 March 2024] the government raised fares by 4.9% [in England], despite the CPI showing an inflation rate of 3.9%." The article omited to state that the latter percentage is from November 2023

  • P.21 'Northumberland salute' — Shortly after publication of this issue, it was announced that the opening date of the Northumberland line had been pushed back to December 2024

The article on the Member of the Year Awards on page 5 was a little unclear. The award presented at the 2024 AGM in Edinburgh was actually for 2023 (there was no presentation at the 2023 AGM). It is for the previous year. Nominations for the 2024 award must be submitted by 30 June 2025.

You can click on the above 7 links to read more.

Rail users are encouraged to join Railfuture to help us campaign for a bigger and better railway - membership for individuals is just £20 per year

Railfuture is an independent, voluntary group representing rail users in Britain with 20,000 affiliated and individual members. It is not funded by train companies, political parties or trade unions, and all members have an equal say.

Railfuture campaigns for cheap and convenient rail services for everyone; better links for buses, bikes and pedestrians; policies to get more heavy lorries on to rail; new lines, stations and freight terminals. In short, a better rail service and a bigger rail system for both passengers and freight.

Railfuture is pro-rail but not anti-road or anti-air. However, we campaign for a switch from road and air to rail. We do not interfere in the running of the railway - we campaign for the quality and range of services provided, not how they are delivered. We are the only champion of all rail users.

Railfuture is the campaigning name of Railfuture Ltd.

A not-for-profit Company Limited by Guarantee.

Registered in England and Wales No. 05011634.

Registered Office: Edinburgh House, 1-5 Bellevue Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 7NP (for legal correspondence only).

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