Railwatch is the quarterly magazine of Railfuture, which is free to members.
Non-members can subscribe to Railwatch, receiving it by post.
SubscribeA-Z OF RAIL RE-OPENINGS 4th edition. Details Railwatch 76 | code:ATOZ4 price:£6.95 |
LIFE BEYOND CARS our green lifestyle book tells stories of people who get around happily without a car | code:LBC-E2 price:£1.95 |
PROTECTING THE NETWORK Problems of a fragmented rail system | code:PTNET price:£1.00 |
DIRECTORY OF RAIL USER GROUPS (1998) | code:RUG98 free, but please add 75p post/packing |
FIGHTING FOR RAIL RDS 10th anniversary handbook. Was £1.80 | code:FFORR price:£1.00 |
RAIL FOR THE FUTURE Foreword by Michael Palin. Was £1.95 | code:RFORF price:£1.00 |
By Rail series
Choose from: Scotland (SCOBR), Lincs/Notts/Derbys (LNDBR), In & Around London (IALON), North East (NOEBR), East Anglia (EANBR), Yorkshire (YORBR), Wales & the Marches (WAMBR) | all now £1 each |
DEVELOPING RAIL Our 20th anniversary book due end of Sept 98. Covers all aspects of RDS campaigning: past, present & future! | code:DRAIL price:£3.00 |
ANNIVERSARY PEN luxury ball pen. Burgundy with gold lettering: RAILWAY DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY 1978-1998 | code:ANPEN price:£1.85 |
RDS NATIONAL SURVEY OF RAIL PASSENGERS (Dec 97) all the results | code:SRP97 price:85p |
HOW RAIL CAN DELIVER Issues central to our lobbying in 1998. 23 pages | code:HRCDR price:£2.00 |
LOCAL LINES recent edition of RDS newsletter to rail user groups | code:LLINE price:50p |
THE GREAT ROAD TRANSPORT SUBSIDY Cheating on rail 28pp | code:TGRTS price:£1.50 |
HALT! - DISTORTIONS 50 myths from road transport lobby exploded | code:HALTD price:£1.50 |
OUR CHANGING STATIONS (July 97) Money-spinner for developers or real benefits for passengers? Was £1.50 | code:CHAST price: 85p |
RDS conference/visit reports
19TH RAIL USERS CONFERENCE (Sept 97) | code:CRU19 price:£1.00 |
RAIL REOPENINGS (Jun 98) Cambridge | code:CRR98 price:£1.00 |
RDS STRASBOURG VISIT Oct 97. 10-page write-up about trains, trams (incl Karlsruhe) etc. Full of interest | code:STRAS price:£1.50 |
THE GREAT RAILWAY CONSPIRACY. Beeching closures. Was £10.99 | code:GRCON price:£7.50 |
ON AND OFF THE RAILS Peter Rayner. Details Railwatch 75. 384pp | code:OAOTR price incl post:£13.98 |
THE GREAT BRITISH RAILWAY DISASTER Christian Wolmar's 1996 privatisation roundup Was £5.99 | code:TGBRD price:£4.25 |
THOMAS the PRIVATISED TANK ENGINE Private Eye satire. Was £4.99 | code:TTPTE price:£2.50 |
HIGH SPEED TRAINS Was £9.99 240pp | code:GOHST price:£4.99 |
GUINNESS RAILWAY FACT-BOOK 192-page reference. Was £9.99 | code:RFACT price:£4.50 |
RAILWAY TRIVIA Delightful illustrated book with 100s of entertaining trivia questions in 6 categories. Was £3.95 | code:RTRIV price:£1.99 |
ENGLAND'S MOST EASTERLY RAILWAY by T. Garrod. 58-page illustrated book celebrating first 150 years of the Norwich-Lowestoft line | code:EMERY price:£3.95 |
RAILS TO THE VALE Vale of Glamorgan Line. History/reopening | code:RVALE price:£1.99 |
EUROPE BEYOND THE TUNNEL edited by T. Garrod, 1994. Exploring the near continent by rail. Was £7.99 | code:EURBT price:£3.95 |
PLACES TO VISIT BY TRAIN new editions by J Hewes. Choose from: South London & Surrey (PTVLS), Kent (PTVKT), or Sussex (PTVSX) | price each:£1.65 |
Class 50s in Devon & Corn-wall Large photo book. Was £4.95 | code: CL50S price:£1.95 |
Rail Rover from Kent to Cornwall -the Southern in 1959. Big hardback book, 172 pages. Was £16.95 | code:ROVER price:£6.99 |
Jeff Vinter's Railway Walks
Guides to walking closed rail routes. Details Railwatch 75. Choose from: | |
GWR & SR (GWSRW); LNER (LNERW); LMS (LMSRW). Were £14.95 each | price each:£5.95 |
Also WALES (WALRW) - this one is a paperback (other 3 are hardbacks) Was £9.99 | price:£4.95 |
GAZETTEER OF RAILWAY WALKS 97/98. Listing of all UK trackbed paths over 2 ml with explanations for selected routes. 34 pages | code:GAZET price £2.00 |
RAILWAY ELECTRIFICATION MAP of EUROPE with analysis booklet | code:REMAP price:£6.95 |
WORLD RAILWAY GAUGE MAP with analysis booklet. 28" x 38" | code:RGMAP price:£5.95 |
RAILROAD MAP OF CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES big 36" x 58" size | code:USMAP price:£4.95 |
New from Thomas Cook:
RAIL MAP OF EUROPE (1998) Main map covers from the Atlantic to Moscow, and from Scandinavia to the Med. Central Europe enlarged on reverse | code:EUMAP price:£4.95 |
RAIL MAP OF GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND (Jul 98) Double sided. Enlargement of London area. Lines coloured acc. to train operator. Also scenic routes, preserved lines, tourist attractions | code:GBMAP price:£5.95 |
Ian Allan 'abc' publications
BRITISH RAILWAYS ATLAS June 98 pocket edition, includes Ireland | code:BRATL price:£8.99 |
EUROPEAN RAILWAYS ATLAS July 97 pocket edition. Passenger, freight and preserved railways | code:ERATL price:£7.99 |
MODERN SIGNALLING HANDBOOK (1996) 96pp with photos and diags | code:MOSIG price:£7.99 |
RAILWAY TERMINOLOGY exp-lains signalling, operations, traction, rolling stock and the permanent way | code:RTERM price:£6.99 |
Rail Guides from Bradt:
Details Railwatch 76. Choose from: | Eastern Europe(EURBR) £7.50; Spain & Portugal (SAPBR) £7.50; Sri Lanka(SRLBR) £7.50; India (INDBR) £11.95; Australia & NZ (ANZBR) £10.95; USA & Canada (USABR) £10.95; Russia, Belarus & Ukraine (RBUBR) £13.95; Greece (GREBR) £11.95; Switzerland (SWIBR) £10.95; South Africa (SAFBR - due mid October) £11.95 |
STATIONERY & named goods
BIKE CONSIGNMENT LABELS Details Railwatch 75. 85p for 5 or £1.65 for 10 | code:BTLAB |
ENVELOPE RE-USE LABELS "Get Freight back on Rail" message. Pad of 100 | code:FRLAB price:£2.25 |
CAR WINDOW STICKER same message | code:STICK price:£0.85 |
THE RDS ENAMEL BROOCH Society's name & logo on Eurostar loco | code:BADGE price:£2.40 |
THE RDS NECKTIE Gold logo on Maroon (MNTIE) or Royal Blue (RBTIE) | price each:£6.50 |
POCKET NOTE PAD in PVC cover | code:PNPAD price:90pRefill only: |
MODERN TRACTION POST-CARDS 10 asstd full-colour. Was £1.50 | code:PCARD price:£1.25 |
COLIN GARRATT POSTCARDS Last days of BR. Set of 32 full colour | code:BRPCS price:£3.00 |
TRAIN WRITING PAPER for kids to colour - with envelopes. Was £1.50 |
code:TNOTE price:£1.25 |
ERIC BOTTOMLEY NOTECARDS 3 each of 4 colour steam prints with envelopes | code:SNOTE price:£3.50 |
CHRISTMAS CARDS with RDS message, 6 with envelopes. Were £2.15 | code:XMASC price:£1.00 |
GWR TEA TOWEL Eight locos from Iron Duke to HST. Brown border. | code:TOWEL price:£2.25 |
LMS TEA TOWEL Princess Elizabeth &vintage Watford unit. Maroon border | code:LMSTT price:£2.25 |
POSTAGE: Value of goods under £5: add 50p. £5-£10: add 95p. Over £10: add £1.30. Order from Martin Ball, RDS Sales, 89 North Wallington, Fareham, Hants PO16 8TJ.
Note: contact details (postal and email addresses, along with telephone numbers) in old editions of Railwatch out of date. Click CONTACT US for latest contact details.
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Rail users are encouraged to join Railfuture to help us campaign for a bigger and better railway - membership for individuals is just £20 per year
Railfuture is an independent, voluntary group representing rail users in Britain with 20,000 affiliated and individual members. It is not funded by train companies, political parties or trade unions, and all members have an equal say.
Railfuture campaigns for cheap and convenient rail services for everyone; better links for buses, bikes and pedestrians; policies to get more heavy lorries on to rail; new lines, stations and freight terminals. In short, a better rail service and a bigger rail system for both passengers and freight.
Railfuture is pro-rail but not anti-road or anti-air. However, we campaign for a switch from road and air to rail. We do not interfere in the running of the railway - we campaign for the quality and range of services provided, not how they are delivered. We are the only champion of all rail users.
Railfuture is the campaigning name of Railfuture Ltd.
A not-for-profit Company Limited by Guarantee.
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