
Published by Railfuture

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Railwatch 076 - July 1998

Mid and North Wales

By Chris Magner

More trains please The Cambrian Rail Users' Group has been gathering support for their proposals to increase the frequency of the Shrewsbury-Newtown train service from two an hour to a train every hour. This could be done by using a 153 unit if agreement could be reached by Central Trains and Railtrack. There has been overcrowding and CRUG chairman, Peter Crompton, said: "I want to emphasise that we already have a good train service but we want to make it even better." Local MP Lembit Opik, and Ceredigion MP Cynog Dafis, along with Newtown and Welshpool town councils, have backed the scheme. Central Trains has promised to make more units available this summer to alleviate the severe overcrowding over the whole system last year.

North Wales to Liverpool Once again the North Cheshire Rail Users' Group needs your support for travel on the Chester-Runcorn main line train via the Frodsham junction to Halton junction chord line, as its retention as a possible Llandudno-Liverpool service is important. Members are looking after the gardens at Helsby station where working parties are usually held on the first Saturday of the month. They are looking into the possibility of holding an open day at Helsby on the last Saturday in September providing permission can be obtained. If you wish to help this hard-working group, contact John Hobbs, 10 Wessex Close, Woolston, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 4DD.

Rest a whileTwo seats have been provided at Craven Arms station in memory of former station manager Jim Molloy who was also chairman of the local rail users' association. The seats were provided with help from Railtrack and Mr Ron Mold. The station has new flower beds and many complimentary remarks have been made by the public on the flower displays provided by Railtrack and the users' group. The station has been fitted with a new weatherproof screen for the telephone and new litter bins. Unfortunately, the local paper chose to criticise late and dirty trains instead of giving credit to the improvements at the station.

Kinnock calls in European Transport Commissioner Neil Kinnock opened the new Conway Park station in Birkenhead in April before travelling on a 153 unit, the late morning service train from Bidston to Wrexham, where he unveiled two plaques at the recently renovated General station which has had a £2.1 million facelift lasting 12 months. Many Victorian features were recreated using historic plans and drawings. Original paint schemes were also used. Railtrack's senior station regeneration manager, Elgan Davies, said Welsh slate and other traditional materials were fitted by skilled local craftsmen. Improvements included resurfaced platforms, new waiting shelters, new lighting, resurfaced car park and renovation of the grade two listed station frontage. Railtrack received help from the Welsh Development Agency, the Railway Heritage Trust, North Western Trains and Wrexham County Borough Council.

Note: contact details (postal and email addresses, along with telephone numbers) in old editions of Railwatch out of date. Click CONTACT US for latest contact details.

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