
Published by Railfuture

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Railwatch 076 - July 1998

London and South East

By Simon Martin

New look Forty members attended a successful presentation on Thameslink 2000 at the annual meeting in March. The committee has some new faces, and I would like to pay tribute to Frank Tomlins who has retired after many years' active service . The committee wishes him well.

More cash Some of the cuts imposed on the branch have been reinstated and members have responded to our appeal for funds, so it is likely there will be three Railondon branch newsletters this year. The next issue will include details of the new committee.

New campaign The branch will be sponsoring a meeting in Ewell on 26 June to try to launch a rail user group for South West Trains services into Epsom. We are also hoping to help establish another users' group at Pitsea, Essex.

Croxley link We will be working with Watford Rail Users' Group on a joint public meeting in the autumn to promote the Croxley Line, which is gaining popularity among local members and local authorities (which at last are able to see its possibilities) in the area. We hope the meeting will put pressure on London Transport and Railtrack to bring forward a strategy for development.

Joint campaign The branch's north Surrey division had a good meeting with the Alton Line users in March and we hope to co-operate more in future.

Campaign success An off-peak service (every half an hour during the day) returned to Cambridge Heath and London Fields with the new timetable on 26 May. West Anglia Great Northern has agreed to a joint publicity campaign for the new service with Hackney Council and the local user group. Leaflets will be distributed to postcodes within 10 minute's walk of the stations. Now campaigners hope to persuade WAGN to restore an evening and weekend service and to boost the frequency to every 15 minutes.

New era Open access could mean lots of innovative new rail services next year. One possibility is Silverlink running into Liverpool Street from Rugby via the West Coast main line, the North London line and the Dalston curve. It is about time rail users got some compensation for the closure of Broad Street station and the consequent Broadgate property development.

Eurostar link The Coastway division is calling for a package of improvements, including an upgrade at Hastings station and doubling the line between Ashford and Hastings and other works at Polegate and Pevensey.

London Transport We are unhappy with the way the Government is planning to set up a strategic authority for London. The responsibility for transport is being fudged between the Mayor and the assembly. The proposals are a step forward but not ideal.

New information RDS is planning to issue new leaflets for the Lea Valley and access to Heathrow.

Note: contact details (postal and email addresses, along with telephone numbers) in old editions of Railwatch out of date. Click CONTACT US for latest contact details.

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